LGBTQIA - Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender 
Queer Intersex Asexual

  • LESBIAN: A Lesbian is a term referred to a woman(usually), to describe that woman's attraction to similar gender, i.e. attracted to another woman in this case.

  • GAY: A gay is a term used to refer to a man (usually), who is attracted to other men, i.e. of the same gender.

  • BISEXUAL: Bisexual is a term used to refer to a person who is attracted to either gender. In case of a woman, that woman is attracted to both women and men. Same goes for men too, they are attracted to both men and women. 

  • TRANSGENDER: Transgender is a person who's gender identity is not the same as that assigned during their birth. A person who is assigned a girl during undergoes transition to become a man, to embrace their true self.

  • QUEER: Queer is usually an umbrella term used to refer to people who are neither heterosexual nor cis-gender. It usually means they do not want to label their sexual orientation and don't fit into traditional ideas of gender or sexuality.

  • INTERSEX: Intersex is a term referred to a person who has their reproductive parts that don't completely fall under male or female anatomy conventionally. For example, a female is born with an unusually large clitoris or a male is born with small penis with a scrotum which distinctly looks like labia. 

  • ASEXUAL: Asexual people don't usually feel attraction to anyone in particular. Though they can have a physical relationship with another person, an asexual is attracted to their partner only under very specific circumstances. The spectrum of asexuality contains much diversity in people's experiences of attractions and relationships.

Having learnt about every letter in the LGBTQIA, we as fellow humans must come forth and protect the rights of the community. Not only that, we must also educate every other person about the LGBTQIA community and to also be more accepting and in your own small way, create a safe space for everyone to live in harmony.


