Books that will get you hooked on easily

 1. The Harry Potter Series - J.K Rowling.

        IT would be rude to talk about books and not talk about "The Harry Potter". The books that jetted off   J.K Rowling's career, it follows the life of a 11 year old orphan Harry Potter who lives a miserable life with his dead mother's sister's family. From being given their beefy son's hand me downs to treating Harry as virtually non existent in their life, the Dudley's act to put up a complete act to the world- cause they have a secret, Harry to be specific, which they dread the world will find out one fine day. 

A surprise awaits Harry on his 11th birthday, which completely changes his life. From castles to magic wands to self cleaning pans, the Harry Potter series keeps you hooked on the book until the end with many exciting revelations and nerve racking dangers.

 2. The Percy Jackson Series- Rick Riordan.

       If you are fascinated by gods, ancient history and mythology, this is the series for you.
Follow the life of Percy Jackson, a normal boy, who has troubles with his classes, has friends and field trips- except, he isn't normal in our conventional way, which he realizes on one such field trip.
His quite peaceful life with his mum changes dramatically, when he realizes there are monsters and nether world creatures behind his life. What comes to him as an even more big shock is that his father isn't as normaly as mine and yours, he's a god.
It is then that Percy is introduced to this whole new world....and the fatal challenges it poses. Percy Jackson series has the reader see the world from Percy's eyes, which makes the reader wish they were a part of that world.

 3. The Shiva Trilogy - Amish Tripathi.

Ever wondered how would it be if Lord Shiva took form as a human for the betterment of the human civilization?  How would it be to see the world through the Lord's eyes ? A man named Shiva from a far tribe in the Himalayas leads his tribe from the peaceful life in the mountains to the ultra developed land afar- where he is dubbed as god incarnation because of his blue throat. The king in Meluha requests Shiva's help to get rid of their sworn enemies - but are they?

This follows the tale of Shiva as he battles the enemies outside and within and age old traditions. Will he succeed in his quest for the truth? Check out these gripping novels.

3. The Harappa Trilogy - Vineet Bajpai

This story revolves around 2 timelines, 1700 BCE and 2017 Banaras, with snippets from various timelines woven into them. In 1700 BCE Vivasvan Pujari and his son Satyavrata Manu's story is followed. A story about human greed, revenge, anger and betrayal. The story is centered around the metropolis of Harappa.
In modern day times, a 108 year old chieftain of Kashi Matt, Dwarka Shastri with his great grandson Vidyut Shastri . Vidyut is supposedly the last devta and is kept away from his destiny, owing to his lineage and it's blood curdling story. An ancient prophecy, a giant ark, a barbarian king,  a woman in love, a religious cult, 14th century Black Plague, the East Indian Company, a sinister global brotherhood and a great Aryan invasion debate

